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Forum Rules

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Forum Rules Empty Forum Rules

Post  Penguin Sat Sep 05, 2009 1:21 pm

Please read every rule before posting on the forum. There is a big chance you could get a warning/infraction if you do not follow the rules.
The Rules

Rule 1 - No Double Posting - Do not post twice in a row. Wait until someone else posts, then post. If you forgot to add something to your other post, click the edit button on the post.
Rule 2 - No Swearing/Cussing - Do not cuss/swear to others. Other people have feelings, too. Knowing this is a Club Penguin forum, there will be children on this forum. Don't be a bad example to those kids.
Rule 3 - No Back Seat Moderating - Back Seat Modding is acting like a moderator by telling others they broke the rules. If you see a person breaking the rules, just click the report button and leave the post alone.
Rule 4 - No Advertising - Do not put links to sites on the forum. The only exception is on your signature.
Rule 5 - No Spam - Do not put pointless messages around the forum. If you want to be off topic to Club Penguin, go to General Discussion.
Rule 6 - Post in the Correct Sections - There are multiple sections for a reason. Please post in the correct sections. Misuse of this rule will likely have the topic moved and will give the user an infraction/warning.
Rule 7 - Use Search Before Posting - If you have a question, use Search, because it may have an answer for you already!
Rule 8 - No Bumping - Do not post on old topics. They then "bump" and it gets annoying seeing old posts up on the front page.
Forum Q&A

Q. What does SPAM stand for?
A. Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages.

There are more questions and answers coming soon!


Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-09-01

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